
Alamo Post 2, The American Legion (Est. 1919)


2024-2025 Post Officers

Position Legionnaire

Albert Mireles, Jr. c: 210.275.4184                     Send a text and/or leave a  voice mail message 

1st Vice Commander  Pat Farrell
2nd Vice Commander 

Michael Knott                        c: 210.740.7311

Adjutant  Allen Iott                             c: 210-425-5562
Chaplain Vacant (contact the commander if interested in serving in this position)
Finance Officer Carlos Mendez

Vacant (contact the commander if interested in serving in this position)

Judge Advocate Anthony Arnold
Sergeant-at-Arms Robert Cantu
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Vacant (contact the commander if interested in serving in this position)
Service Officer Edward (Eddie) Tello,             210-275-522   ETello1948@gmail.com